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Beurre D’Isigny AOP French Salted Butter Basket | 250g


At Isigny Sainte-Mère we please lovers of butter. Rolls, blocks, shaped, made in churns or continuous process, meet our butter in all its many forms.




Beurre D’Isigny AOP is a butter made of unsalted cow’s milk in Isigny, France. This butter has been produced since the 16th century, and it is made by churning some of Isigny’s best creams. These are creams which acquire all their flavor notes and organoleptic qualities during a vital stage in the production process: the traditional slow maturation period. This Normandy butter has hints of hazelnut flavors, a flexible, extra fine and elastic texture, and is full of vitamin A. This smooth butter’s origin is protected by the AOP (Appellation d’Origine Protégée). One unit in a wooden basket, 8.8 oz/250 gr.


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